October 15, 2021

Why is fiber important for your body?

Fiber is very much important for your body. Fibre has many health benefits such as helps in promoting weight loss. It also helps in lowering blood sugar levels, fighting constipation, and in clearing the toxins from your body. One needs to integrate high-fiber foods into their diet to enjoy all health benefits of fiber. It usually takes a long time for your body to break down foods that are high in fiber.

20 Best - High Fiber Rich Foods List Available In India

Top 5 fiber-rich grains and their health benefits:-

  1. Oats
    One of the healthiest food grains on the planet is oats. They have high antioxidants and vitamins and minerals. A powerful soluable fibre substance which is known as beta glucan is presents in the oats which helps to control the blood sugar levels and cholestrol levels.
    One can consume oats in breakfast or in dinner as it is a very light staple food and helps you with your weight loss process also. A single cup of raw oats contains 16.5 gms of fibre.
  2. Chia seeds
    Chia seeds is considered to be one of the best food grain which aids to weight loss. They are the tiny black seeds that are very popular in the natural community of health. They have high amount of magnesium in it and is highly nutritious. They are rich in calcium and phosphorus. One of the best source of fibre on planet is the chia seeds. It helps in keeping a healthy heart . One cup of dried chia seeds contains 9.75 gms of fibre.
  3. Quinoa seeds
    A pseudo cereal that has become immensely popular is the quinoa seeds. In the last few years it has been seen that people are who very much health conscious consume quinoa seeds daily. It has many nutrients in it and is very high in protein, magnesium, iron,
    potassium, zinc and antioxidants. It helps in reducing gastrointestinal cancer risk. A cup of cooked quinoa contains 5.2 gms of fibre.
  4. Chick peas
    Chickpeas is a type of legume which is loaded with nutrients and is very high is protein and minerals. One of the easiest spread one can make for them is the chickpeas from the base of hummus. One cup of cooked chickpeas contains 12.6 gms of fibre. It helps to reduce
    body’s cholesterol absorption.
  5. Split peas
    Split peas are made from the dried seeds of peas. One cup of cooked split peas contains 16.3 gms of fibre. It also helps in reducing constipation.

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