It seems that spices should last forever, but that’s just not true. Here’s everything you need to know about storing spices to keep them fresher, longer.
Powdered, dry, and kept in a tightly sealed container, it’s understandable to think spices last forever. Alas, they don’t. Sitting in their cabinet, waiting for your next big meal or bake-off, all spices have a shelf-life, eventually reaching a point where they lose flavor or go bad. Fortunately, there’s much you can do to maintain the taste and nutritional value of your spices while extending their lifespan. Here’s everything you need to know about storing spices.
Cool, Dry, and Dark
Store all your spices in a cool, dry, and dark place. If you have a spice cabinet, all the better, but otherwise, put them somewhere snug and secure. Be sure that you can close the cabinet, that it isn’t in direct sunlight, and that is far from the stove or other sources of heat. Air, heat, humidity, and sunlight can all break down and leech spices of their flavor and put them in danger of spoilage. Dried spices already come in resealable containers but give them an extra edge by storing them in glass bottles or metal tins. Glass bottles work the best, but metal tins keep out the sunlight if you need to store your spices out in the open. Fresh herbs and spices can be kept in resealable bags or vacuum-sealed containers and stored in the fridge or freezer. However, you should use them sooner than later, as humidity can alter their flavor.
How Long?
Let’s talk about shelf life. As mentioned before, just because spices are dried out and powdered, that doesn’t mean that the organic Indian spices you purchased at the store or online will last until the end of time. Check the expiration dates on your jars and monitor their quality in the coming months and years. On average, extracts should be replaced every two to three years; whole, unground spices every three to four years; ground spices within two to four years; and ground and leafy herbs between one to three years. As a tip, you can extend the life of powdered spices if you buy them whole and grind and powder them as needed. Whether you powder them yourself or transfer spices from store-bought containers to your own containers, note the expiration date somewhere on the new container. As you approach the date, perform taste tests to see how they’re holding up.
As a final note on everything you need to know about storing spices, remember that organization is the biggest favor we can perform for our future selves. Whether you keep your spices in alphabetical order, organize them according to color, or sort by frequency of use, find an order you’re comfortable with that won’t leave you searching for the proper seasoning later. Printing out and sticking labels on the tops and sides of the containers will save you scads of frustration the next time you cook!
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