“You can take an Indian out of India, but you can never take India out of an Indian.” sounds relatable much? Well, why not! Especially when festivity is around. The joy of celebration, the feeling of belongingness and love that we may not express daily is reflected during these festivals.
So, why not try making some delicious gujias, a synonym for Holi and its enthusiasm. Follow the easy recipe below.
Take the following ingredients:
Mix maida, semolina, water and butter in a bowl to make a dough. Now mix cream and milk powder in a frying pan and cook till the mixture starts leaving the sides. Add coconut, almonds, melon seeds, sugar, and cardamom powder. Mix well together.
Prepare the sugar syrup and dip the gujias into it. Garnish with almonds. You can find each and every of these ingredients at ZiFiti.
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