Shree Radhey Dairy Farm was founded in the year 2015 with a vision to establish a pure breed Gir Cow (Bosinducus) Dairy farm in India. This farm is objectively linked to provide nutritious pure Certified A2 Gir cow milk using ancient practices of organic farming in combination with modern husbandry practices. The location of this project is sufficiently away from the city area on the fields of Khori Village, 10 km away from Pushkar in Rajasthan State of India..
It is a well-known fact that Pure, Natural and Unadulterated food combined with physical exercise leads to a healthy body. Having a healthy body leads to a healthy mind and consequently healthy thoughts, and with more people having a healthy lifestyle leads to a healthy society. As a first step in this direction, Shree Radhey Dairy Farm intend to produce & promote supply of A2 Milk and Milk Products from Indian indigenous cows ( Desi Cow Milk ) known for its inherent high nourishment and medicinal values. We also encourage and support the natural and organic farming for production of food unadulterated by pesticides or fertilizers, thereby to increase the soil fertility and to be in harmony with Mother Nature.